Session 1 - 26th of April
Today we started the seminar "Becoming professional- a media based approach to internationalisation and research orientation in teacher training".
In todays session we started to create our e-portfolio therefore we chose to create this website. After we were pleased with the design, we started to create content. Which at first was difficult, as we don't have a research topic, yet. But we managed to create our profiles and a short podcast on who we are and what we expect of this course. We are looking forward to what this seminar leads us to... |
Session 2 - 27th of April
CPD - Continuing Professional Development
The first task of the day was to create a concept using words which come to mind, when thinking about the question:
"What does continuing professional development (CPD) include and mean to you as a future language teacher?"
Each of us wrote down 20 words and spread out the words, as they made sense for us.
These are our results:
"What does continuing professional development (CPD) include and mean to you as a future language teacher?"
Each of us wrote down 20 words and spread out the words, as they made sense for us.
These are our results:
means that professional development is supposed to take place throughput all phases of a teachers academic life. |
refers to a complex of systematically organised and transerable theroretical knowledge. |
generally refers to general growth not focused on a specific job. It serves a long-term goal and seek to facilitate growth of teachers understanding of teaching and of themselves as a teacher. It often involves examing different dimesnsions of a teachers pracice as a basis for refelctive review and can hence be seen as bootom-up. |
Research Topic
As we are working on the tutorial no.3, we started to develop our research topic and research question. At first we had a look at the iPad, where we watched the tutorial on. On the iPad we found several applications, which could be integrated in the classroom. This made us think: "Why not have a look at different applications that are already out there?". Therefore we decided to make a research on applications for the english classroom and whether they are useful or not. We will try to make experiences with 3 to 4 Apps for the english classroom and review them.
Our goal is to source applications that are easy to access and integrate in the everyday classroom. As we review them on our own user experience, it could be possible, that other users have different experiences with the applications than us. |
Possible resources for our research topic: |
Research on Applications - 24th of May
Today we had our micro-teaching lesson in PDL. As we want to test different applications for their compatibility for the classroom, we decided to integrate some into our lesson. The applications all were compatible for PC, as we weren’t able to get our hands on iPads. In the end we tested “keynote” for iOS, Prezi on the internet, PowerPoint in Microsoft Office and PicCollage from the Microsoft App-Store. Our students gave us some feedback on the handling of the different programs. The easiest programs were PowerPoint and Keynote (which initially was ought to be google-slides), as the students already knew how to work with these programs. The second-best program, according to handling, was PicCollage. It was easy to create a collage with pictures from the internet, as soon as the students understood how to handle the program. The most complicated program seemed to be Prezi. As it was very complex and we didn’t explain it to the students, they needed more time of getting used to the way the program works. We then decided to exchange keynote to google-slides, as we are not experienced and not able to work with the apple program.
In the end we thought about how the different applications can help creating presentations and what application works best for what type of presentation. As inspiration for different occasions, when students need to create presentations, we will create an overview about the programs and when it’s best to use which one. You can find our results in the "Final Product".
In the end we thought about how the different applications can help creating presentations and what application works best for what type of presentation. As inspiration for different occasions, when students need to create presentations, we will create an overview about the programs and when it’s best to use which one. You can find our results in the "Final Product".
Session 3 - 5th of July
Today we worked on the interactive tutorial No.6 and read the iBook about using mobile media in the classroom. We had a couple of questions, we had to answer after we read the iBook and watched the connected video. In the podcast, we talk about what we answered the questions with. We also talk about the apps, we chose to give a try and how we experienced them. The following link leads you to a website which provides you with several applications you can use in the classroom: |